Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find your vacancies?
All of our vacancies are posted on our careers page. Simply use the search tool and add filters for location, job category and salary range to help you find your perfect role.
Do you post jobs elsewhere?
Yes, we also post some of our jobs on Indeed and LinkedIn, with the former offering a different way to apply for some of our more urgent vacancies.
How do I know if I am suitable for the job?
Our job adverts are all formatted similarly: they will have bullet points explaining what the key responsibilities are, and then a section detailing what experience or skills are required for the role. If experience in the automotive industry is essential then it will be clearly stated, but we greatly encourage applicants from different backgrounds to apply for a wide range of our jobs.
How do I apply for a job?
Visit our careers page and find the right job for you, then press apply. You will have to upload your CV and fill out a profile before your application is sent. If further assessments are required, you will be emailed about this.
What about applying for jobs on Indeed?
Some of our jobs on Indeed are advertised with a 'one-click apply' function to make them easier to apply to. Other jobs will redirect you to our careers page and the above process will apply.
What should my CV look like?
Make sure your CV is up to date, clearly laying out your career history with dates. Ensure that it contains your current contact details and please check these for accuracy.
How will I be assessed?
We have a few methods of assessing candidates: For some jobs, like technician roles, we will review your CV but for other roles we require you to use our online assessment platform. After either of these stages, you will be contacted to inform you of whether you have been successful or not. If successful, you will be invited to an interview either on site or a video interview on Microsoft Teams. Once again, we make sure that the time of the interview works for you and we provide constructive feedback regardless of the outcome.
How will I receive feedback?
If you are unsuccessful prior to the interview stage, you will receive an email to inform you of this. After the interview process, constructive feedback will always be provided over the phone regardless of the outcome.
Register Your Interest
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Enter your email address to tell us about yourself. We will keep you informed about job opportunities and events that match your interests.
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